Data privacy Teams & E-Mail

Privacy notice

You can contact us via email or as part of a Microsoft Teams meeting. In doing so, personal data of you will be processed, about which we inform you in the following according to Article 12 et seq. of the GDPR.

  • I. Data Contoller

    EDAG aeromotive GmbH
    Robert-Bosch-Str. 7
    85053 Ingolstadt


    The data protection officer responsible is:
    E-Mail: datenschutz[at]

    III. Contact via email

    1. Description and extent of data processing
    If you contact us via email, we process your email address together with the entire message content - in particular, your salutation, first name and surname may be involved.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis
    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.
    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration
    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to receive and send emails. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    IV. Communication via MS Teams

    1. Description and extent of data processing

    We use Microsoft Teams to conduct digital meetings. In doing so, the following personal data of you will be processed: Your name, email address, IP address, and – if your camera or microphone is activated – image and sound recordings. If you participate in a chat in MS Teams, we also process the content of that chat message.

    Within the mentioned Microsoft Teams meetings and discussions, there is the possibility of a meeting recording. The recording is announced in advance in the meeting invitation. In addition, when the recording starts within the Microsoft Teams interface, a pop-up window is displayed, which announces the start of the recording. At this point, there is the possibility to accept or reject the recording and to view the associated data protection notices. If you agree, your spoken statements via the microphone function and your image recording (if you have turned on your camera) will be recorded. If you do not agree to the recording, your camera and microphone will be deactivated and cannot be activated again during the entire course of the meeting or discussion. Only communication via the chat function is possible. The name and the abbreviation in the associated Teams tile are still visible. Also, the profile picture you have chosen is part of the recording. The acceptance or rejection of the recording is documented in the meeting minutes.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis

    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication and documentation.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.

    If a recording of the meeting takes place within a Microsoft Teams meeting or discussion, this is also done based on your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration

    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    In the case of recording meetings and discussions, we process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose, usually this is 90 days. The storage location is OneDrive (see also Transfer of your personal data). In the case of a download, internal and external access rights are subject to the specified deletion period. If you revoke your documented consent afterwards, the recording will be deleted immediately.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to communicate via MS Teams. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    The sharing of Microsoft Teams recordings is limited to the people participating in the meeting. The storage location of the recording is OneDrive or, in the case of a download, the individual choice of the authorized persons. Publication of the recording is prohibited for all authorized persons.

    V. Rights of data subjects

    1. Right to be informed
    You have the right to request information about your personal data that we process at any time within the scope of Article 15 of the GDPR.

    2. Right to rectification and supplementation
    You are entitled to request rectification and supplementation of your data in accordance with and to the extent of Article 16 of the GDPR.

    3. Right to restrict processing
    You are entitled to request restriction of the processing of your personal data under the conditions and to the extent of Article 18 of the GDPR.

    4. Right to deletion
    You may request the deletion of your personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR, unless we are legally entitled or obliged to further process your data.

    5. Right to data portability
    If processing is carried out on the basis of your consent and with the help of automated processes, you have a right to transfer the data provided by you within the scope of Article 20 of the GDPR, provided that this does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.

    6. Right of object
    You have the right to object to processing in accordance with and to the extent of Art. 21 of the GDPR, insofar as we process your data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p.1 point f of the GDPR.

    7. Right to withdraw the declaration of consent under data protection law
    You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time with effect for the future. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the withdrawal.

    8. right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority
    Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR and analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.
    The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR and the analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.

  • I. Data Contoller

    EDAG Akademie GmbH
    Reesbergstraße 1
    36039 Fulda


    The data protection officer responsible is:
    E-Mail: datenschutz[at]

    III. Contact via email

    1. Description and extent of data processing
    If you contact us via email, we process your email address together with the entire message content - in particular, your salutation, first name and surname may be involved.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis
    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.
    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration
    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to receive and send emails. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    IV. Communication via MS Teams

    1. Description and extent of data processing

    We use Microsoft Teams to conduct digital meetings. In doing so, the following personal data of you will be processed: Your name, email address, IP address, and – if your camera or microphone is activated – image and sound recordings. If you participate in a chat in MS Teams, we also process the content of that chat message.

    Within the mentioned Microsoft Teams meetings and discussions, there is the possibility of a meeting recording. The recording is announced in advance in the meeting invitation. In addition, when the recording starts within the Microsoft Teams interface, a pop-up window is displayed, which announces the start of the recording. At this point, there is the possibility to accept or reject the recording and to view the associated data protection notices. If you agree, your spoken statements via the microphone function and your image recording (if you have turned on your camera) will be recorded. If you do not agree to the recording, your camera and microphone will be deactivated and cannot be activated again during the entire course of the meeting or discussion. Only communication via the chat function is possible. The name and the abbreviation in the associated Teams tile are still visible. Also, the profile picture you have chosen is part of the recording. The acceptance or rejection of the recording is documented in the meeting minutes.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis

    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication and documentation.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.

    If a recording of the meeting takes place within a Microsoft Teams meeting or discussion, this is also done based on your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration

    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    In the case of recording meetings and discussions, we process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose, usually this is 90 days. The storage location is OneDrive (see also Transfer of your personal data). In the case of a download, internal and external access rights are subject to the specified deletion period. If you revoke your documented consent afterwards, the recording will be deleted immediately.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to communicate via MS Teams. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    The sharing of Microsoft Teams recordings is limited to the people participating in the meeting. The storage location of the recording is OneDrive or, in the case of a download, the individual choice of the authorized persons. Publication of the recording is prohibited for all authorized persons.

    V. Rights of data subjects

    1. Right to be informed
    You have the right to request information about your personal data that we process at any time within the scope of Article 15 of the GDPR.

    2. Right to rectification and supplementation
    You are entitled to request rectification and supplementation of your data in accordance with and to the extent of Article 16 of the GDPR.

    3. Right to restrict processing
    You are entitled to request restriction of the processing of your personal data under the conditions and to the extent of Article 18 of the GDPR.

    4. Right to deletion
    You may request the deletion of your personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR, unless we are legally entitled or obliged to further process your data.

    5. Right to data portability
    If processing is carried out on the basis of your consent and with the help of automated processes, you have a right to transfer the data provided by you within the scope of Article 20 of the GDPR, provided that this does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.

    6. Right of object
    You have the right to object to processing in accordance with and to the extent of Art. 21 of the GDPR, insofar as we process your data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p.1 point f of the GDPR.

    7. Right to withdraw the declaration of consent under data protection law
    You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time with effect for the future. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the withdrawal.

    8. right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority
    Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR and analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.
    The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR and the analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.

  • I. Data Contoller

    EDAG Engineering GmbH
    Kreuzberger Ring 40
    65205 Wiesbaden


    The data protection officer responsible is:
    E-Mail: datenschutz[at]

    III. Contact via email

    1. Description and extent of data processing
    If you contact us via email, we process your email address together with the entire message content - in particular, your salutation, first name and surname may be involved.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis
    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.
    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration
    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to receive and send emails. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    IV. Communication via MS Teams

    1. Description and extent of data processing

    We use Microsoft Teams to conduct digital meetings. In doing so, the following personal data of you will be processed: Your name, email address, IP address, and – if your camera or microphone is activated – image and sound recordings. If you participate in a chat in MS Teams, we also process the content of that chat message.

    Within the mentioned Microsoft Teams meetings and discussions, there is the possibility of a meeting recording. The recording is announced in advance in the meeting invitation. In addition, when the recording starts within the Microsoft Teams interface, a pop-up window is displayed, which announces the start of the recording. At this point, there is the possibility to accept or reject the recording and to view the associated data protection notices. If you agree, your spoken statements via the microphone function and your image recording (if you have turned on your camera) will be recorded. If you do not agree to the recording, your camera and microphone will be deactivated and cannot be activated again during the entire course of the meeting or discussion. Only communication via the chat function is possible. The name and the abbreviation in the associated Teams tile are still visible. Also, the profile picture you have chosen is part of the recording. The acceptance or rejection of the recording is documented in the meeting minutes.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis

    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication and documentation.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.

    If a recording of the meeting takes place within a Microsoft Teams meeting or discussion, this is also done based on your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration

    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    In the case of recording meetings and discussions, we process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose, usually this is 90 days. The storage location is OneDrive (see also Transfer of your personal data). In the case of a download, internal and external access rights are subject to the specified deletion period. If you revoke your documented consent afterwards, the recording will be deleted immediately.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to communicate via MS Teams. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    The sharing of Microsoft Teams recordings is limited to the people participating in the meeting. The storage location of the recording is OneDrive or, in the case of a download, the individual choice of the authorized persons. Publication of the recording is prohibited for all authorized persons.

    V. Rights of data subjects

    1. Right to be informed
    You have the right to request information about your personal data that we process at any time within the scope of Article 15 of the GDPR.

    2. Right to rectification and supplementation
    You are entitled to request rectification and supplementation of your data in accordance with and to the extent of Article 16 of the GDPR.

    3. Right to restrict processing
    You are entitled to request restriction of the processing of your personal data under the conditions and to the extent of Article 18 of the GDPR.

    4. Right to deletion
    You may request the deletion of your personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR, unless we are legally entitled or obliged to further process your data.

    5. Right to data portability
    If processing is carried out on the basis of your consent and with the help of automated processes, you have a right to transfer the data provided by you within the scope of Article 20 of the GDPR, provided that this does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.

    6. Right of object
    You have the right to object to processing in accordance with and to the extent of Art. 21 of the GDPR, insofar as we process your data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p.1 point f of the GDPR.

    7. Right to withdraw the declaration of consent under data protection law
    You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time with effect for the future. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the withdrawal.

    8. right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority
    Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR and analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.
    The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR and the analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.

  • I. Data Contoller

    EDAG Production Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
    Reesbergstr. 1
    36039 Fulda


    The data protection officer responsible is:
    E-Mail: datenschutz[at]

    III. Contact via email

    1. Description and extent of data processing
    If you contact us via email, we process your email address together with the entire message content - in particular, your salutation, first name and surname may be involved.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis
    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.
    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration
    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to receive and send emails. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    IV. Communication via MS Teams

    1. Description and extent of data processing

    We use Microsoft Teams to conduct digital meetings. In doing so, the following personal data of you will be processed: Your name, email address, IP address, and – if your camera or microphone is activated – image and sound recordings. If you participate in a chat in MS Teams, we also process the content of that chat message.

    Within the mentioned Microsoft Teams meetings and discussions, there is the possibility of a meeting recording. The recording is announced in advance in the meeting invitation. In addition, when the recording starts within the Microsoft Teams interface, a pop-up window is displayed, which announces the start of the recording. At this point, there is the possibility to accept or reject the recording and to view the associated data protection notices. If you agree, your spoken statements via the microphone function and your image recording (if you have turned on your camera) will be recorded. If you do not agree to the recording, your camera and microphone will be deactivated and cannot be activated again during the entire course of the meeting or discussion. Only communication via the chat function is possible. The name and the abbreviation in the associated Teams tile are still visible. Also, the profile picture you have chosen is part of the recording. The acceptance or rejection of the recording is documented in the meeting minutes.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis

    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication and documentation.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.

    If a recording of the meeting takes place within a Microsoft Teams meeting or discussion, this is also done based on your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration

    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    In the case of recording meetings and discussions, we process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose, usually this is 90 days. The storage location is OneDrive (see also Transfer of your personal data). In the case of a download, internal and external access rights are subject to the specified deletion period. If you revoke your documented consent afterwards, the recording will be deleted immediately.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to communicate via MS Teams. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    The sharing of Microsoft Teams recordings is limited to the people participating in the meeting. The storage location of the recording is OneDrive or, in the case of a download, the individual choice of the authorized persons. Publication of the recording is prohibited for all authorized persons.

    V. Rights of data subjects

    1. Right to be informed
    You have the right to request information about your personal data that we process at any time within the scope of Article 15 of the GDPR.

    2. Right to rectification and supplementation
    You are entitled to request rectification and supplementation of your data in accordance with and to the extent of Article 16 of the GDPR.

    3. Right to restrict processing
    You are entitled to request restriction of the processing of your personal data under the conditions and to the extent of Article 18 of the GDPR.

    4. Right to deletion
    You may request the deletion of your personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR, unless we are legally entitled or obliged to further process your data.

    5. Right to data portability
    If processing is carried out on the basis of your consent and with the help of automated processes, you have a right to transfer the data provided by you within the scope of Article 20 of the GDPR, provided that this does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.

    6. Right of object
    You have the right to object to processing in accordance with and to the extent of Art. 21 of the GDPR, insofar as we process your data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p.1 point f of the GDPR.

    7. Right to withdraw the declaration of consent under data protection law
    You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time with effect for the future. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the withdrawal.

    8. right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority
    Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR and analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.
    The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR and the analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.

  • I. Data Contoller

    Parkmotive GmbH
    Reesbergstraße 1
    36039 Fulda


    The data protection officer responsible is:
    E-Mail: datenschutz[at]

    III. Contact via email

    1. Description and extent of data processing
    If you contact us via email, we process your email address together with the entire message content - in particular, your salutation, first name and surname may be involved.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis
    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.
    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration
    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to receive and send emails. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    IV. Communication via MS Teams

    1. Description and extent of data processing

    We use Microsoft Teams to conduct digital meetings. In doing so, the following personal data of you will be processed: Your name, email address, IP address, and – if your camera or microphone is activated – image and sound recordings. If you participate in a chat in MS Teams, we also process the content of that chat message.

    Within the mentioned Microsoft Teams meetings and discussions, there is the possibility of a meeting recording. The recording is announced in advance in the meeting invitation. In addition, when the recording starts within the Microsoft Teams interface, a pop-up window is displayed, which announces the start of the recording. At this point, there is the possibility to accept or reject the recording and to view the associated data protection notices. If you agree, your spoken statements via the microphone function and your image recording (if you have turned on your camera) will be recorded. If you do not agree to the recording, your camera and microphone will be deactivated and cannot be activated again during the entire course of the meeting or discussion. Only communication via the chat function is possible. The name and the abbreviation in the associated Teams tile are still visible. Also, the profile picture you have chosen is part of the recording. The acceptance or rejection of the recording is documented in the meeting minutes.

    2. Purpose of processing and legal basis

    The purpose of the processing is the conduct of business communication and documentation.
    The processing of your data is based on your consent according to Article 6 para. 1 p. 1 point a of the GDPR.

    If a recording of the meeting takes place within a Microsoft Teams meeting or discussion, this is also done based on your consent according to Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

    Insofar as the communication carried out via email concerns the initiation or execution of a contractual relationship, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 point b of the DSGVO or, if the communication is carried out in connection with an application or your activity as an Employee, Section 26 para. 1 of the BDSG.  

    3. Storage duration

    We process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose. Depending on the content of the communication, this may mean a different storage period. As a rule, this is the duration of the business relationship. After the end of the purpose, your data will be deleted, unless legal retention periods require a longer storage period.

    In the case of recording meetings and discussions, we process your data as long as this is necessary for the purpose, usually this is 90 days. The storage location is OneDrive (see also Transfer of your personal data). In the case of a download, internal and external access rights are subject to the specified deletion period. If you revoke your documented consent afterwards, the recording will be deleted immediately.

    4. Forwarding of personal data
    We use the M365 software to communicate via MS Teams. The service provider in relation to this is Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Walter-Gropius-Strasse 5, 80807, Munich, Germany.
    Information on the service provider's data protection can be found at:
    We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft for this purpose.
    In principle, we do not intend to transfer personal data to third countries. Insofar as it is necessary for the use of M365, for example, in exceptional cases there may be a temporary transfer of personal data to US servers or access from locations there. For this case, we have concluded Standard Data Protection Clauses in accordance with Article 46 para. 2 point c, para. 5 p. 2 of the GDPR with Microsoft together with a data protection addendum for Microsoft products and services. You can find these agreements at and

    The sharing of Microsoft Teams recordings is limited to the people participating in the meeting. The storage location of the recording is OneDrive or, in the case of a download, the individual choice of the authorized persons. Publication of the recording is prohibited for all authorized persons.

    V. Rights of data subjects

    1. Right to be informed
    You have the right to request information about your personal data that we process at any time within the scope of Article 15 of the GDPR.

    2. Right to rectification and supplementation
    You are entitled to request rectification and supplementation of your data in accordance with and to the extent of Article 16 of the GDPR.

    3. Right to restrict processing
    You are entitled to request restriction of the processing of your personal data under the conditions and to the extent of Article 18 of the GDPR.

    4. Right to deletion
    You may request the deletion of your personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR, unless we are legally entitled or obliged to further process your data.

    5. Right to data portability
    If processing is carried out on the basis of your consent and with the help of automated processes, you have a right to transfer the data provided by you within the scope of Article 20 of the GDPR, provided that this does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.

    6. Right of object
    You have the right to object to processing in accordance with and to the extent of Art. 21 of the GDPR, insofar as we process your data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 p.1 point f of the GDPR.

    7. Right to withdraw the declaration of consent under data protection law
    You have the right to withdraw your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time with effect for the future. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the withdrawal.

    8. right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority
    Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR and analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.
    The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of the status and outcome of the complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR and the analogous provisions under applicable data protection law.

Status: December 2023
