
Shaping the future of mobility together. Efficient. Safe. Sustainable.

Because it is always a matter of the future: at the EDAG Group, mobility engineering also means sustainable engineering.

As an engineering service provider, we offer comprehensive innovations and services across our segments, to enable our customers to create more sustainable products and production facilities – and so we see ourselves in the role of the "enabler" of change.

"The entire life cycle of a product is predetermined during development, which means we can exert a decisive influence on its sustainability. This is something we see as both a challenge and an opportunity." 

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Caba (Head of the Innovations Field Sustainable Vehicle Development) 

Shaping the Mobility of Tomorrow Together. Efficiently. Safely. Sustainably.

As one of the largest independent engineering partners for the mobility of tomorrow, we pursue a holistic perspective. This includes:

  • The development of vehicles with alternative powertrains and/or sustainable materials
  • The integration of vehicle concepts in the overall ecosystem, covering mobility, living and working contexts
  • Intelligent factory concepts for flexible, extensively digitalized production processes with maximum climate and resource efficiency
  • Employees who are highly trained, experienced and motivated to implement the sustainability goals in cooperation with our customers.

Sustainable mobility use cases and research projects

At a Glance: Sustainability in the EDAG Group

We give an account of our economic, ecological and social responsibility in our Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report.

Sustainability report 2023  GRI Content Index

Sustainability report 2022Sustainability report 2021

Sustainability report 2020

       Bronze Medal in EcoVadis Sustainability Ranking

In the last few years, we have launched numerous initiatives addressing all aspects of sustainability. In the EcoVadis recertification in 2023, these measures had an impressive impact, and we received bronze status ranking, placing us among the top 50 % of the companies assessed by EcoVadis.

EcoVadis Is the world's largest and most reliable provider of corporate sustainability ratings, and has a global network of more than 90,000 rated companies.
