The security and defence industry is not only challenging on account of the particular requirements it has with regard to legal and safety-relevant parameters; it must also meet market requirements from a technical point of view. The EDAG Group offers a comprehensive portfolio, beginning with the development and integration of protective systems, the simulative validation of blasting and ballistic scenarios, environmental trials, test validation, but also manufacturing electric/electronic components in low-volume series, including development of the software, through to technical editing in line with military standards and the corresponding visualisation in the VR/AR field.
Our experts have the necessary skills to handle specific customer projects with standards in the civilian and military sectors and to develop products in conformity with military standards such as STANAG (Standardization Agreement of the NATO member countries), VPAM (Association of Testing Bodies for Attack-Resistant Materials and Constructions) und NIJ (National Institute of Justice).
Simulation tasks:
Concrete applications:
In the defense industry, safety has a very special significance and its requirement is regulated and guaranteed by special standards. Since the beginning of 2021, a new certification standard "VPAM ERV - Edition 3" has come into force.
As an international engineering partner for armored vehicles, EDAG has developed and offers an on-demand online session to illustrate the changes in both the evaluation and certification process.
As a service provider, we have been supporting leading international system houses in the military field for a decade now, and have a wealth of experience in the civilian automotive sector on which we can draw.
3D digitalisation and visualisation - possible military applications:
EDAG has a global presence and various international branches. This results in a number of advantages to our defence customers:
Who to contact: Tobias Reger (Technology) & Thomas Klier (Sales)