Our drive, your progress: With our all-round engineering skills, we shape the future of mobility and industry. Our expertise, passion and innovative strength provide you with sustainable solutions that in the long term will improve your life and work. At 70 locations around the world, our team is there for you, working in development, research and training. Having started out in the automotive sector, we are now partners, trainers and innovators – for companies in all industries and people all over the world.

OUR MISSION: Joining forces to shape the future of mobility and industry

Even if you have never heard of the EDAG Group before, the chances are that you have already come into contact with us. We are everywhere. Sound a bit creepy? Well it's not! Because we are making your life safer, more efficient and more enjoyable.

Sometimes you will be consciously aware of a positive change: for example, when your favorite song sounds best in the car, or your DHL parcel arrives quickly even though the weather is at its worst. In other cases, even though you benefit from them, our solutions might go unnoticed. After all, there's no need for you to worry about your car's cybersecurity - that's our job!

To make this happen, we apply a forward-looking, agile approach in harmony with our environment. We aim not simply to develop ideas ourselves, but also to spark the enthusiasm of others. This applies to our team, but also to our customers, project partners and other passionate technology fans. As we see it, change can only be brought about by working together.

The EDAG story

Without their engines, cars are going nowhere. The same is true of people: without intrinsic drive, they fail to get ahead. If there was one thing Horst Eckhard was not lacking in 1969, it was his inner fire for the fascination of technology and the will to shape the future of mobility. This combination laid the foundations for Eckhard Design and paved the way for today's EDAG Group. But it's really best if you can see for yourself.

A great deal accomplished and plenty more to do

The transition from startup to listed company is not something that happens overnight. Especially not in a world where everything is moving faster and faster. EDAG has done things its own way: Instead of clinging rigidly to old patterns, it was always a matter of being adaptable, of learning and constantly questioning the requirements placed on its own performance – for driveability in any terrain.

Today, we are your independent service provider for all industrial sectors – if you have a problem, we can develop a solution. For us, it makes no sense to view mobility and sustainability in terms of only the automotive industry. As we see it, everything is networked.

Valuable and valued work

How do we, a team of 9,000, pull together? How can we guarantee that the people working for you will jointly arrive at the best solution? By sharing the same values:

Future-oriented: versatile, international, far-sighted

Best-in-class: hands-on, all-round, passionate

Partnership-oriented: human, authentic, open

Sustainability, innovation and the positive effect on our society are at the heart of all we do: Is the weather becoming more unpredictable? We are developing an early warning system that reacts quickly to heavy rainfall and can minimize damage in municipalities. Do you see how our roads are congested with vehicles? Our "Smart City" shows how quiet, structured and efficient cities could be in the future.

We see how our environment is changing. And react with solutions that will ensure safety, reliability, convenience and the pleasure of eagerly anticipating a safe, reliable and convenient future.

Invention never stops

Innovation is not just a buzzword. It is a discipline that drives us forward, spurs us on to surpass limits, explore new horizons and create value for our customers in unprecedented ways.”

Harald Keller, CEO





What do you think of when you visualize the world of tomorrow? We make sure that you can look to the future with optimism. Because for us, innovation is not simply a buzzword, but a discipline that drives us to surpass limits and create undreamt-of new value – as a company, a partner, an employer and a provider of solutions.

Both now and in the future, our focus is on sustainable vehicle development, safe mobility, drive and storage technologies and digitalization. Our solutions will always represent outstanding engineering, but above all they will make an effective contribution to the "big picture". A world in which technology will help us make our lives safer and better.



EDAG Group presents the further development of the EDAG CityBot as an AI prototype, proving that its visionary mobility conce pt is feasible.

The prototype is able to move autonomously on a playground. Through the use of AI and machine learning, object recognition was developed that enables the EDAG CityBot to identify various objects.


The world premiere of the EDAG CityBot took place at the IAA 2019. The EDAG Group did not only present a new concept car, but also a visionary mobility concept.

Thanks to its modularity and multifunctionality, the EDAG CityBot is ready for use around the clock and can be configured as required by means of add-on modules. For example, it can be used as a passenger cell, cargo carrier or city cleaning device.


50 YEARS OF EDAG – major company anniversary and successful positioning as the leading engineering and production specialist for future mobility.


The initial public offering on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange took place on 2 December 2015.


Construction of the EDAG Technology and Development Centre in Wolfsburg-Warmenau. This year also sees the world premiere of the EDAG Light Cocoon concept at the Geneva Motor Show. The company’s legal form is changed to EDAG Engineering GmbH.


At the Geneva Motor Show, EDAG presents the futuristic vehicle sculpture EDAG Genesis, which demonstrates the revolutionary potential of additive manufacturing using the example of a bionically inspired body structure.


With the acquisition of the BFFT Group (approx. 600 employees), EDAG strengthens its position in the E/E segment. The Competence Centre for Car IT is founded.


With the acquisition of the Rücker Group (with approximately 2,500 employees) EDAG becomes one of the leading independent automotive development service providers, now employing more than 7,000 people.


The E-Mobility Competence Centre is established at EDAG’s head office in Fulda.


In just 13 months, EDAG and Dürr design, build and hand over a turnkey assembly line for the Airbus A320 in Tianjin, China. In its anniversary year, EDAG has more than 5,800 employees worldwide.


Successful completion of the full development project for the new Opel Meriva. This was the first time in Opel’s history that an external partner had been given complete responsibility for developing a new vehicle model.


EDAG gains a new, financially strong shareholder. ATON GmbH takes over 100 per cent of the ordinary shares from the families who founded EDAG Engineering + Design AG.


The first office in China is opened close to the company’s major customer, Changan Motors, in Shanghai. EDAG acquires 100 per cent of the shares in FFT (Flexible Fertigungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG). Founded in 1974, FFT is one of the leading plant construction companies for the automotive industry.


Ewald Vollmer passes away on 15 March 2002 after a short but serious illness. An outstanding engineer and businessman, he played a significant role in shaping Eckard Design/EDAG for over 30 years and helped the company become the world’s largest development services provider.


EDAG builds a 10,500 m² production hall at the Fulda-West site. It is now possible to preassemble complete production facilities and test them under real-world conditions. The EDAG successfully completes its largest vehicle development project to date, the S203, for which it had overall responsibility.


World premiere of the EDAG 2000 concept car at the Geneva Motor Show. The vehicle demonstrates how the one-box concept can be formally transferred to the classic saloon car segment. The number of employees passes the 3,000 mark.


With its Scout design study, a pick-up derivative of the Mercedes M-Class, EDAG successfully demonstrates the company’s design and model construction expertise at the Geneva Motor Show. At the IAA 1999 in Frankfurt, the EDAG presents the world debut of the EDAG Holospace – a milestone in virtual reality technology.


EDAG Holding Sdn. Bhd. is established in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as a wholly owned subsidiary of EDAG. In Germany, EDAG is the first automotive service provider to be admitted as a member of the VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry).


With foreign markets becoming increasingly important for development services, EDAG initiates new activities in North and South America (USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina) as well as in South Africa and Asia (Malaysia). Sales exceed the DM 300 million mark.


EDAG Inc. begins operating in Detroit, the birthplace of automotive mass production.


Eckard Design GmbH becomes EDAG Engineering + Design AG, with share capital of DM 10.5 million.


Eckard-Design Ltd is founded in Witham, UK, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Eckard Design.


In the company’s 20th anniversary year, sales exceed the "magical" threshold of DM 100 million.


In Ingolstadt, a development order for Autolatina (Ford/VW) is carried out completely in CAD for the first time.


The company begins building an international presence by opening an office in Witham (UK). The first design orders for Opel are acquired.


Eckard Design employs more than 250 people for the first time. Federal President Carl Carstens officially recognises the company’s achievements in the field of professional training.


The first CAD systems are introduced at EDAG as part of a project for Audi.


The first body development order for Daimler-Benz.


Start of collaboration with Audi. As a customer of Eckard Design, the Ingolstadt-based car maker is in good company alongside the likes of Ford, BMW, VW, Roth-Electric, KUKA, Voith and FFT.


One of the company’s first major orders is received from Karmann in Osnabrück. It is completed well ahead of the agreed deadline. The flexible working time model with payment for any extra hours worked proves successful.


VW is the latest addition to the customer portfolio. Sales increase to over DM 3.3 million. EDAG begins to offer training, with Willi Schwarz becoming the company’s first apprentice.


After opening offices in Cologne and Munich, the company opens an office in Fulda which becomes the company’s headquarters. All car manufacturers are located within a maximum 300 km radius of the Fulda office.


Horst Eckard establishes the company Eckard Design in Groß-Zimmern near Darmstadt. The Ford factory in Cologne is the first customer. At the end of the first year, BMW also becomes a customer.
