On 18.10.2017, EDAG Engineering GmbH and its partners voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center, Düsseldorf and Simufact Engineering, Hamburg won the gold MATERIALICA Award in the category CO2-efficiency. The renowned award, which is presented every year in Munich, can be seen as a special recognition of the achievements of Dr. Martin Hillebrecht's EDAG lightweight production team and the project partners. The MATERIALICA Awards jury paid tribute to the great potential of the competition entry with regard to resource efficiency.

The competition entry submitted by EDAG and its partners was an "additively manufactured lightweight hood hinge with integrated pedestrian protection". This new development was first presented to the public at this year's IAA show, and is the result of intensive cooperation with the project partners and interdisciplinary and location-spanning teamwork within the EDAG Group.

The LightHinge+ hood hinge devised by EDAG in cooperation with voestalpine Additive Manufacturing (Düsseldorf) and Simufact Engineering (Hamburg) employs efficient software-aided engineering to make full use of the potential of additive manufacturing. It features the ultimate in weight reduction, the integration of a pedestrian protection function, warp tension and internal stress optimisation, toolless production for small series, and a low degree of finishing.

The prize was presented to Sebastian Flügel (EDAG), Dr. Eric Klemp (voestalpine Additive Manufacturing) and Dr. Patrick Mehmert (Simufact Engineering) at "eMove360°", the trade fair for lightweight design, eMobility and autonomous driving currently being held in Munich, on 18.10.2017.

"What sets the MATERIALICA Award apart from other awards is the way in which it places equal emphasis on two criteria, namely design and technological competence," explained Robert Metzger, CEO of MunichExpo and organiser of the MATERIALICA Awards, who presented the awards.

"We are very proud to have won this award, and regard it as confirmation of the innovative focus of our engineering services, and as a reference for the years of research and development we have put into additive manufacturing," commented Dr. Martin Hillebrecht, Head of the EDAG Competence Centre in Fulda and initiator of the award-winning LightHinge+ project.

The LightHinge+ will make its next official appearance at "Formnext", the acclaimed trade fair for industrial 3D printing, in Frankfurt, where the exhibit will be prominently positioned at the joint VDMA stand, and also demonstrated during a presentation during the AM4U session.

LightHinge+ Projekt - Interview (German only)
