

One of the image editing software systems used is called the Smog and Fog Dehazer (SmoFod). It removes fog from images using artificial intelligence (AI). In 2017, we started the development of SmoFod at EDAG. Find out whether this is suitable for practical application here

PS: Our team in Lindau/Ulm is deeply involved in deep learning and computer vision tasks.

Jacek Burger

Head of Embedded Systems & Computer Vision/AI

"Artificial intelligence starts where it serves as a tool to digitize human activities.
Autonomously driving vehicles, personal recognition, intelligent voice assistants and predictive diagnoses from machines - technologies like something out of a science fiction movie, but which are already reality and part of our everyday lives today. Two factors form the basis: digitization and the development of artificial intelligence. High-performance hardware & software as well as extensive amounts of data enable networked structures that are modeled on neuronal connections. The evolution, in the field of software development has already started yesterday."

Andreas Vögerl

Head of Software & Digitalisation
